One Confessed Homosexual
Is Linked to Bribery
(Continued From First Page) : The investigation which resulted in the disclosures was made last year by Julian F. Harrington, a veteran foreign service officer, who was sent to Hong Kong by Humeisine as his deputy.
An earlier investigation made more than a year ago on reports of visa irregularities at Honk Kong had failed to turn up any positive evidence, bui hte reports persisted and resulted in the second inquiry.
State Department officials said they had withheld an announcement because the Williams case was under investigation by the Department of Justice.
Department officials estimated that at least 100 Chinese had been 'granted visas by Williams to come to this country but were unable to say how many of those may be here now.
Department officials said that Williams was a graduate of the University of North Carolina in 1916, that he had served in the army between 1943 and 1946 and that he became a foreign service officer Feb. 12, 1948.